News items from our Service Sheet
PLEASE NOTE: All news items should be sent to our Secretary in the Church Hall at no later than 5pm on the preceding Wednesday, preferably by email or in writing. These should be as concise as possible as sheet content some weeks can be ‘heavy’. Priority will be given to items relating to Christ Church and St. Oswalds's, Newton matters – those relating to other activities can only be included if space permits.
This week we pray for
World: Anglican Communion: Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America
United Kingdom: Diocese of Ely
Parish: Give thanks, and pray for our Church Wardens: for Allison (newly elected) and Rosemary (re-elected) also elected this year: PCC members Andrew, Hazel, Helen, Iain, Robin, Rodney Vicki. Our Tuesday morning Little Fishes service – and especially Rosie Lovell, stepping down after four years of leadership
Sick: Sally–Anne, Mary, Chris, Gwen, Stuart – all we remember personally.
RIP: Olive Dunning, Maureen Hudson, Pauline Mason, Karen Lincoln
Anniversary: John Featherstone (George Bage, Gwen Cardwell, Joan Reed, Bill Chapman, Donald Lowery, Alf Corry, Frederick Harrison, Derick Round)
- Funerals
The Funeral Service for Karen Lincoln takes place in Church on Sunday 23rd March at 12.00noon.
The Funeral Service for Mary Dodds takes place at Kirkleatham Crematorium on Thursday 27th March at 2.00pm.
- Cafe Church Why not join us at Café Church in the Church Hall every 2nd and 4th Sunday for Cake, Coffee, Conversation, Worship and Wondering! 4pm for Cake, 4.30 for informal family Worship and 5pm for Discussion and Teaching (with groups for different age groups from about two and a half). Contact Nick Land (01642 778076) for more info.
- Church Spring Clean Weekend Friday 21st March from 4pm – high dusting in Church and Saturday 22nd March from 9am cleaning and polishing. Volunteers very much appreciated.
- Spire Newsletter If you have anything for the April/May issue of the Spire Newsletter please email it to Stephen at by Sunday March 23rd (this Sunday!).
- Easter Flowers If you would like to donate an arrangement for Easter in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a blessing received, please contact Marina Charlton on 01642 723087 to book an arrangement. Suggested £30 donation
- Bishop Barry will be leading a service in Church on Thursday 27th March at 10.45am for Marwood School, they would love to welcome members of the congregation to join them.
- Marwood’s Easter Service will take place in Church on Friday 4th April at 11.00am everyone is welcome to attend.
- Little Fishes our fabulous toddler group meet on Tuesdays at 9.45am for a short service and play with drinks and snacks. We have over 20 families attending and an army of helpers to ensure everyone has a wonderful time. I am stepping down as leader, after 4 fabulous years. We are looking for people who want to ensure that Little Fishes continues as the fabulous group it is. There are jobs, little and big, ranging from hoovering and putting the chairs away to leading the songs and prayers. If you are interested please speak to Geoff or myself for more information. Thank you, Rosie Lovell, 07539229069.
- Parking Everyone likes to be able to park in the church car park during services, and we would like to maximise the number of cars we can accommodate. When parking, please could we fill the parking spaces from either end of the car park, rather than parking in the middle leaving large spaces between cars. Thank you for your consideration.
- New Electoral Roll The new electoral roll is now complete and is available to view (names only) at the back of church until the annual meeting.
- Lost Property Back in July we had a wallet been handed in to the office, this still has not been claimed. If you think it may be yours please let us know, you can telephone the office on 01642 722665.
- Our Online Congregation Our regular congregation includes those in Christ Church and others online who watch our services via our Christ Church Facebook page. This outreach is important to our ministry but it does mean that, if you are in Church for our 9:15 service, you may be seen by those on Facebook. We must assume that those in Church agree to being filmed therefore, if you are uncomfortable with this for any reason, please speak to the Welcome Team. They will be able to advise you.
- Welcome Packs Please remember that we have a welcome pack for anyone new to our village. The Visitors Group is constantly looking for removal vans but everyone can be looking out too! Please contact Helen Dickinson – 01642 724450 if a pack is needed.
- Prayer is a way we can all engage in the process of discernment for our new vicar, please take a Prayer Card home with you - and give one to a neighbour.
- Help Needed! Would you like to help serve tea and coffee after the 9.15am Service? We would love to have you join our team. Please have a chat with Celia to find out more.
- Little Fishes meet at the Church at 9.45am every Tuesday during term time for preschool children and their parents/carers.
- Geoff’s March Eco Tips - Go green(er) for Lent. The weeks leading up to Easter are a great time to start or give something up that benefits nature and helps address climate change. Is there a change you can make to better care for creation and improve our lives and the lives of others through healthy, eco-friendly and sustainable living?
- Blister Pack recycling is back! After trials in the southeast Boots is now extending blister pack recycling to more stores - locally Northallerton, Guisborough, Teesside Park and Middlesbrough. You can just drop off your empty medication & vitamin blister packs in the collection containers.
- Bell Ringers Do you want to hear the Bells ring on Sunday Mornings? If you are 10 years or older and would like to volunteer as part of a rota to ring the bells on Sunday mornings (and earn a bit of pocket money at Weddings) please get in touch with Elsa on 07896 626016.
- Lights the little switches for use with keys for the lights, if you switch them off please turn them back on straight away as we are unable to get them back on.
- Church Lights The new light switches are not wired in, but work on a radio signal going to the lights. To ensure it gets there properly, and not just to one half of Church, Please give a slow deliberate press. A quick stab may just turn half the Church in at a time.
- Christ Church Visitors – If you know any member of the congregation (past or present) who would appreciate a regular visit from a member of the group please pass details to Rosemary Wheway on Tel: 01642 722451.
- Coffee - is usually served after our 9.15am service. We are pleased to welcome visitors and newcomers to our church and you are welcome to join us in the Coffee Lounge in the Church Hall immediately following the service.
- Give to the Church with your phone via our QR Code
For Sunday's Bible Readings, please visit Service - Bible Readings