The Christ Church Hall ‘200 Club’ is operated in order to provide income to supplement that received from Hall hire charges to meet the running costs, equipment, maintenance and future replacement of the fabric of the Hall amenities.
Draws under this scheme will usually take place on the last Sunday of each month after the 9.15 am service (at approx. 10.30am) in the Coffee Lounge, as far as possible, or on the closest Sunday to it.
The prizes will be determined by the total subscriptions received for each month and be in £1 multiples. A membership of 100 produces about £1300 per annum for the Hall and is, therefore, most worthwhile.
If you wish to participate in the scheme, please contact either Julie Bourke on 01642 724 508 for an application form. Monies can be paid in to Mandy at the Church Office in the Church Hall any Monday, Thursday or Friday mornings between 9am - 12 noon.
Subscriptions of £2 per number can be paid either by quarterly/half-yearly/annual banker’s order or by half-yearly cash/cheque in advance. The subscription year commences on 1st November and subscriptions paid by cheque/cash are due by 15th November/May as the case may be to ensure inclusion in that month's draw.